miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens

Enjoy the beauty of nature at Vizcaya!

   In 1952, James Deering's nieces,
Barbara Deering Danielson and Marion Deering McCormick, conveyed Vizcaya to what is now Miami-Dade County. Vizcaya has welcomed U.S officials for decades, including former presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, as well as foreign leaders like Queen Elizabeth II, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, and Pope John Paul II. Also, major international events have taken place have been held at Vizcaya, including the Summit of the Americas and the signing of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas. Now, photoshoots and even wedding are held here.

  Vizcaya still preserves most of its old furnishings as well as the historic layout of the gardens. The mansion is surrounded by acres of European-style gardens with fountains and statuary. The pièce de résistance, carved out of Florida limestone in the shape of an oversized Venetian barge is found sitting in the bay at the backside of the mansion.

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